These include time management, career guidance, money management, and effective communication.
However old we are, entire generation pretty much got exposed to the influence of social media together. Parents are children, bureaucrats and authorities, politicians and peasants – we all entered the digital age in the past couple of decades. We are all pushing the limits and looking where the boundary should be.
Kerala has been in the forefront in the recent technology revolution. Smart phones and applications that they brought along have changed the daily lives of young and old dramatically. When WhatsApp was becoming common in Kerala, my sister who is in seventies cannot leave the phone away from her.
We are living in a new world now and more than one device are taking control of our time and attention. As technology improved, machines are replacing people fast, and automation is replacing human interaction.
Today I am going to talk about something that we all struggle with. I am going to address the distraction from devices (phones, iPads, watches and other gadgets) and how that impacts our walking with God. I have made presentations on this topic at few places.
There are research studies showing that spiritual and religious involvement is an important dimension in youth development.
To grow and develop into thriving, productive and engaged adults every young person needs a supportive relationship.
A study by Stanford Center on Adolescence reveals that only 20% of the young people reportedly leading fully purposeful life.
According to US Children’s Bureau, as of September 30, 2016, there are 437,465 foster care children.
According to UNICEF the total number of orphans in the world are estimated to be 153 million.