Hope for youth focuses part of its resources to support education
- Nurturing a purposeful life for youthWe focus on programs that help youth to find their purpose in life. Hope for Youth provides financial assistance and program guidance for organizations around the world to conduct such programs.
- Promoting spiritual growthLife is filled with countless things that are designed to keep us too busy to pray. It is important to enhance Children’s spiritual growth through prayer life. It will calm the storms in our life when things get rough especially in their environment.
- Boot-camps for orphanage childrenA unique program targeting spiritual and emotional needs of one of the most vulnerable groups in the society. Serving thousands of orphans and underprivileged children each year.
- Help orphans in the poorest areas of the worldHope for Youth provides financial support to post high school children in orphanages and foster care to enroll in college or vocational training. The funding is provided through approved organizations and educational institutions.
- Improve quality of foster careHope for Youth plans to support and promote programs that focuses on the behavioral and spiritual needs of the children to help them find a purpose in life against all odds they many find themselves to be in.
- Promote mentor programs for youthHope for Youth envisions raising awareness about the mentoring need through assisting public outreach and assistance to organizations that work with mentoring programs